
Mighty Yak Foundation is a low-key independent 501(c)(3) charity set out to do more with less.

We are NOT a nine-to-five organization. We work out of home/ temporary offices, and only employ local freelancers and independent contractors with specialized skills to manage our projects. This helps us cut down our administrative costs and supports our ‘do more for less’ motto. We work hands-on on our projects and assess/ monitor our progress on a regular basis. Checks and balances of all collected funds and expenses are conducted by an independent accountant.

We want to focus on all dimensions of sustainable development, i.e Social, Environmental, and Economic. Giving away funds, or building free permanent homes is not the model we want to follow. We want to ignite something more than that. We want to create a working system where the beneficiary becomes self-sufficient and is empowered to help others do the same. Something along the lines of micro-funding, turning “trash into treasure”, co-operative farming etc.

We do not have a dedicated ‘advertising and marketing’ department. So, Please help spread the word!

Our Vision

To promote sustainable development in Nepal.

Our Mission

To harness the power of the crowd to inspire social good and implement solutions to tackle the economic, environmental, and social development issues in Nepal. We hope to achieve this through objective analysis, increased awareness, and active participation in the change process.

Please donate, volunteer or commit a random act of kindness (RAK) to support us!